Thomsun Trading reports positive reaction at InfoComm MEA
Thomsun Trading, Optocore’s Dubai-based distributors, found that their creative presentation of the German manufacturer’s intercom devices at InfoComm MEA paid dividends, and they received some excellent new enquiries as a result.

According to Thomsun product specialist, Alok Ghurde, the presence of two Optocore V3RFX-INTERCOM devices allowed them to connect a remote RTS DKP 16 CLD coloured keypanel to the ZEUS III LE+ 16-channel intercom matrix. “Due to the nature of the display, we also managed to promote and discuss BroaMan and how it could be used in an AV install/events venue,” reports Alok. “We received excellent feedback and interest from system integrators as well as end-users — and this augurs well for our plans to showcase BroaMan and Optocore in a big way at the CABSAT show early next year.”
In fact Thomsun Trading has been receiving a good deal of interest generally from clients in the region particularly for the Optocore range of Intercom interfaces (both RTS/TELEX and Clear-Com). “Having taken on RTS representation recently, we showcased the connectivity using the Optocore V3R-FX INTERCOM for RTS. “The flawless, perfect site coverage that Optocore and BroaMan provided for the Kuwait 50th Constitution Day celebrations last year, along with other similar large Optocore system deployments in the recent past, have been noted by local rental as well as SI companies, and as a result, we’re seeing more specific enquiries for Optocore.”
To back this up, Alok reveals that Creative Communications Group of Qatar recently started full-fledged operations in Abu Dhabi, UAE and added newV3R-FX INTERCOM devices to its Optocore inventory for Clear-Com Intercom systems. “CCG has been an Optocore user since 2009 and the company’s decision to add the V3R-FX INTERCOM devices demonstrates the faith clients place in the reliability, flexibility and costeffectiveness of the Optocore system.”
A further interesting development is the purchase of Optocore DD32R-FX AES/EBU devices by the Abu Dhabi Media Company for installation in the near future.