Optocore has completely overhauled its website, injecting it with more visual impact but at the same time making it graphically ‘cleaner’ and easier to navigate, leading the visitor easily to the market segment of his choice.

According to Optocore director, Tine Helmle, “After eight years it was certainly time for an upgrade and within the new design template we are able to provide the market with a greater degree of information in a much more intuitive format
“In particular we wanted to provide a better overview of our technology and why Optocore has become the pro audio industry standard for fibre infrastructures.”
“We also wanted to underline the fact that our growing portfolio of manufactured products is easy to understand by breaking them down in groups of formats and standards. It also helps to explain why we operate an open platform.”
Helmle adds that the website also sets out to give more support to, and information about Optocore’s OEM partners and resellers around the world. “We plan to keep it regularly updated with new case studies, our familiar e-newsletter and ongoing marketing support.”
In conclusion she says the new look home page and easily navigable sub-menus have been extremely well received. “Having provided the standard communication network tool out in the field all these years we owed it to ourselves to match that standard with our digital online comms!”